The Eurasian auroch, called Ur, is the father of all domestic cattle (in the Occident).
The body size of many dwarf cattle is the result of breeding, but there are also breeds - such as the Dahomey cattle from Africa - that did not result from crossbreeding.
Like their large-bodied relatives, dwarf cattle are herd animals that need other cattle around them; a dwarf cattle herd, for example a group with bulls, cows or with mothers and their calves, always has a fixed social structure.
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The underlay and bedding form an extra absorbent base and a heat-insulating buffer.
Basic feed with a high content of structured natural fibre.
The bedding forms a comfortable lying surface.
Clean droppings and urine disposal areas in the stall and exercise area: daily.
Complete renewal of the substrate: at least 1 x per week