Donkey bedding


Domestic donkeys accustomed to humans are descended from African wild asses.
Like their relatives - the horses - they are herd animals and escape animals, but they live in mother groups that do not necessarily have strict hierarchies.
Before a donkey does something, it weighs up whether it makes sense in this situation.
They need at least one partner at eye level;
the bond of a donkey friendship can be so strong that one cannot be without the other!

Care recommendation

  • Keep donkeys in a group, at least in a pair
    Mixed-sex groups, but also pure mare or gelding groups (stallion groups only if the animals know each other well and no mares are present!)
  • Stable and exercise area: stable area (m²) = number of animals x (2 x height at withers)², min. 10 m² for 2 animals of medium size. Height (m) = 1.5 x WH, but at least 2 m, exercise area (without pasture): paved, waterlogged area in front of the stable (m²).
    Guideline number = 3 x stable area, but at least 150 m².
    Functional areas for drinking, feeding, running and resting, in the running and feeding area paved, non-slip floor.
  • Injury-proof fencing, secured gates (donkeys are escape artists!)
  • Interaction and retreat areas (e.g. trees, stone walls, or walls)
  • Scrub brushes / piles and rolling areas (sand areas)


Substrate and bedding

The underlay and bedding form an extra absorbent base and a heat-insulating buffer.



Basic feed with a high content of structured natural fibre



The bedding forms a comfortable lying surface.


Clean droppings and urine disposal areas in the stall and exercise area: daily.
Complete renewal of the substrate: at least 1 x per week

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